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lulutea ware, United States

Category: Local business

Address details

1530 Wilson Blvd #520
VA 22209 4827 Rugby Ave Suite 301
MD 20814

usa, United States
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Tea Caddy

Our tea caddies are meticulously crafted to offer both elegance and functionality, ensuring your tea stays fresh and flavorful. Made from high-quality materials such as tin, porcelain, and wood, each caddy is designed to provide an airtight seal, protecting your tea from light, moisture, and air. This preservation ensures that every cup you brew is as aromatic and flavorful as the first.Available in a variety of styles and designs, our tea caddies cater to diverse tastes. From traditional Chinese motifs to modern minimalist aesthetics, there's a caddy to match every kitchen decor. Some feature intricate hand-painted designs, while others boast sleek, polished finishes. Each caddy is not just a storage solution but a beautiful piece of art that adds a touch of sophistication to your tea collection.The practical design of our caddies includes wide openings for easy access and scooping, while their compact size ensures they fit seamlessly into any cupboard or display.



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Contact details

lulutea ware

Address: 1530 Wilson Blvd #520, Arlington, VA 22209 4827 Rugby Ave Suite 301, Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: +8801772440604